Keyword Research
The most elemental foundation of any on-page SEO tactic is keyword research. The keywords you sue are going to be the main motor behind targeting your audience. You’ll want to group the keywords you come up with together to classify them according to the topics and audience. You might want to use the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) to know the reach and traffic of each keyword. It’s important to note whether the top results are image-heavy or vide-heavy to create your content accordingly. The format of the content also matters if it’s textual, whether it’s composed of lists, bullet points, or paragraphs. This strategy is quite handy if you want to take action with your research and convert it into content that your audience will appreciate.
1 Keyword Research2 Short Loading Time3 Using Keywords Strategically4 Straightforward URLs5 Keyword Frequency
Short Loading Time
One of the main criteria that search engine algorithms focus on is the speed of loading. When your website is slow to load, visitors are going to bounce off to a competitor’s website. This is extra important when it comes to attracting new visitors. People who haven’t visited your website before may wait for less than others who know what exactly you’re offering. There a few contradicting studies regarding the effect of loading speed on ranking, but it doesn’t need a lot of research to know that websites with quick loading times have a lot of traffic. As mentioned by many WordPress SEO experts, there are a lot of tools available to optimize your page, including loading time. You can use these tools to check the speed index to calibrate it. You might want to remove big-sized pictures because they can drastically hinder the page during loading. You might want to avoid excessive HTML characters because they can add up extra time as a page load.
Using Keywords Strategically
The strategic placement of keywords is quite relevant to your audience and search engines. You’ll want to make sure that your audience traffic is able to tell that you have what they want when they are looking for a specific item. Vague keywords aren’t really inviting enough for people to choose you over a competitor who has the keyword in the right location. There is a fine line between having your keywords look well-placed and looking like spam. This is why you should sometimes opt for synonyms and other matching keywords to avoid having them look like they are automatically generated. Place the keyword in your title tag, meta descriptions, H1, H2, and locations that make sense to the target audience.
Straightforward URLs
You’ve probably seen your fair share of URLs that don’t really make a lot of sense. A jumbled up wall of text and numbers isn’t helpful when your target audience is trying to know what you’re offering on your website is. This can highly affect the share-ability of your website because visitors are going to be reluctant to go to a link that they are not sure of. A descriptive URL, whether for a fat-loss blog or a tech review website, is often chosen by visitors instead of random URLs. Try to keep the URLs as short as possible, but avoid overdoing it. The number of characters and SERP rankings are linked to each other.
Keyword Frequency
The number of times your keyword is mentioned in your content is a controversial topic. While Google usually denies that it has to do with the ranking of the page, a lot of experts believe that it can actually help. If the search engine finds that the keyword is existent multiple times on the page, it will rank it as a more defined resource regarding a specific topic. This doesn’t mean that you should excessively stuff the pages with the keyword as that can reduce your score. Only a few keywords mentioned can nudge the search engine to identify it. On-page SEO is the core dynamic behind any successfully ranking website. The rapid development of SEO over the past years has led a lot of people to an overwhelming valley. Understanding the basics of SEO is the first step to getting traffic to your website and move up the rankings of search engines.