Named as the Registry Explorer, it has a dark mode, undo changes button, copy/paste shortcuts, advanced search engine, etc. It made open source and available as a beta file to be used right away.
A New Windows Registry Editor
The Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe) is a database of all the system settings, user preferences, and hardware configurations. The system OS accesses this to work accordingly. Windows power users make modifications to this database to tweak changes forcefully and bypass any limitations. Unfortunately, while this is so helpful even for an average user, Microsoft hasn’t updated it for so long and has been unhelpful for many things. But, here’s something that can replace it – Registry Explorer from Pavel Yosifovich, a Windows Internal expert. He created this new tool to replace the default Windows Registry and be more helpful for an average user. It’s made open source and has a dark mode; an undo changes button, the ability to copy and paste keys and values to different locations, and an advanced search feature. Searching for a desired sub-registry is so easy and opens in a dialogue box. Further, the new tool has
Show real Registry (not just the standard one) Sort list view by any column Key icons for hives, inaccessible keys, and links Key details: last write time and number of keys/values Displays MUI and REG_EXPAND_SZ expanded values Full search (Find All / Ctrl+Shift+F) Enhanced hex editor for binary values Undo/redo Copy/paste of keys/values
By default, Registry Explorer is set to Read-Only mode and should be unlocked for making any changes. Interested users can try this from the project’s GitHub page or as a precompiled beta version.